my friend sophie davidson (amazing photography student who goes to falmouth)
posted on her facebook an ad for a swatch casting in central london on friday 3rd December and if chosen the shoot is on wednesday and thursday the following week and paid.
I was bored and days before I applied mostly because they wanted people not from a modelling agency. So I sent my details and pictures of myself from katie mabey's orhan tailoring shoot.
On thursday evening I got a call from an unknown number
An eccentric posh voice spoke
'Hiiii is this thomas'
Me' Umm yer it is hi, who's calling'
Poshy 'Hi its Nic from Star & Co, I got your email are you free for the casting tomorrow'
I thought straight away, what is this about. I'd completely forgotten I'd apply to this casting and my immediate thought was 'no i'm in plymouth what is this guy on about !?'. So I politely responded.
'I'm in Plymouth at the moment, sorry I just thought I'd try and apply to see if I'd get it'
Nic 'O shit, your in plymouth. Ok no worries thanks, Bye'
Me 'Bye'
As soon as the phone hung up. My mind flashed 'Wait, what no !'
I have no lectures tomorrow, it's my brothers birthday party on saturday. Why don't I just go.
So i sent 3 frantic and some what desperate emails to 'Nic' saying actually I am free.
And he responded saying great turn up to spring studios between 2 and 6.
I booked a return train for £40 and on friday morning I was on my way.
My train was only 3 hours long, and the time flew by thanks to Jamie giving me a pokemon yellow emulator. for laptop, the only thing is I cannot save it properly so after 2 hours of play my saved data disappeared ! So frustrating I wanted to scream on the train.
and Gemma gave me her book 'No time for goodbye' Which I cannot put down ! its a thriller and every chapter leaves you on a cliff hanger making you want to read on.
WHen my train arrived in Paddington the cold hit me. Plymouth has had no snow when everyone else has. And its somewhat warmer than anywhere north of exeter.
I travelled to Kentish town and got to the studios.
I was somewhat lost but followed a guy who looked like a model out of the station for about 500 metres down 4 streets, I was a good 20 metres behind him. I still can't decide if I felt like a stalker or a spy. I had a barbour jacket on with my collar up which I think fits the bill for both classes of people.
From entering the studio the next 30 minutes of my life where the most self-conscious and nervous moments of my life. I entered the studio gave my name and was directed upstairs to the casting studio.
A woman told me to 'Join the que and we'l call you'
I joined a 20 people long que, at the front was a door jarred open. Peering in I saw the white background, cameras and front of the que. At the back of the que it suddenly hit me
Shit, SHIT
Everyone in front and gradually behind me had a black folder.
In modelling a black folder is what you keep your portfolio pictures in, the best pictures of yourself taken by professionals or from adverts or products they've advertised for.
Not only that but everyone was taller than me (men and women) now I'm 6 foot and I always think of myself as above average height but these people. They were gods among men !
Beautiful models, well dressed. Soaring above me clasping their black folders of vanity.
My face exploded with embarrassment, a red flush darting across my cheeks. My instinctive fight or flight response kicked in.
Or to quote The Clash 'Should I stay or should I go' response.
I texted my old friend Charlie Speed (Britians next top model judge)
Who knew about the casting from the night before, asking his advice as a model.
He hadn't replied for 5 minutes now, but it seemed like over an hour in this que to superficial death. I was doomed do I run and waste the train journey all the way here, and just call it a trial and error, or do I stick it out. Put my chin up and do the best I can do baring in mind I've never modelled professionally before and as the advert originally said it wasn't looking for models, I should just go for it. Do a Yes man and make it an experience. I kept telling myself
'If i do this and get it wrong, I can walk away and never see these people again' So I didn't go.
I waited in the que.
Charlie text back 'You might as well stay you've come this far, castings can be nervous just go for it'
So I took his advice, despite having already taken my own.
I queued with my head held high.
Properly the best queuing I've ever done in my life, if it was a film the background music would be uplifting. Like eye of the tiger but not so iconic or obvious.
The same woman from before then asked us all to my surprise
'Is anyone here not with an agent ? If so come to the front'
I raised my hand, this is odd. Are just trying to separate the models from the norms ?
But low and behold 2 more hands went up I wasn't on my own.
We were escorted into the studio, with looks of disgust from the 20 people queing infront.
My heart was pounding, my lips were dry ,'Am I being thrown in the deep end here?'
We were given 3 sheets to fill in with our contact details. Nothing else was mentioned.
Then I saw it !
The relieve that I wished but haven't even thought of...
The studio was split in two ! O YES.
Through my powers of deduction I realised, that the models were casting for the centre roles of the swatch advert, and the rest of us are casting for background work.
But I still needed my picture taken.
So I queued with 3 others. And eventually got my pictures taken, with numerous directions from the photographer. He kept asking me to smile, now normally I smile quite a lot, but at this moment in time I just wanted the moment to be over and was concentrating so hard that I couldn't smile.
Luckily I had taken my barbour off before I had my pictures done otherwise with my current smile I defiantly would of looked like a child stalker.
It was over in a flash. They said they will contact me if chosen.
As I walked away from the studio I took a spring studio catalogue as a memento of one of the most embarrassing times in my life. I know now for sure that I could never be a model.
It is so competitive and superficial
You are a product. A Brand. Your appearance is what they judge you on. You should be the friendly person ever and speak 6 languages and have a masters in medicine . But unless you are what the client is looking for your rejected almost immediately. Modelling is also a very temperamental job. You may have a week of work, but then you may have no work for 5 months and for that time you are going to numerous castings.
It is Saturday and in a few days I will eventually find out, if after all of this I get chosen.
I will be back in Plymouth and will have to travel back for the 2 day shoot. But if the shoot is less than £100 than I would be at a loss with train fares. Which would be such a kick in the balls.
O well, today I celebrated my brothers 26th birthday, with mulled wine and toy story cake. Tomorrow I return to plymouth for my final week of lectures before christmas !
It is also my girlfriends birthday on Monday, and although I am not seeing her till the Monday after. I still need to buy her final present which I think she'l really appreciate.
I basically have written a stream of past consciousness. Thank you for reading