Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Boredem and Credit cards

Today has been the first day in a long time.
that i have done nothing, i have just sat at home and watched tv and films.

To many people this may sound like bliss.
But after waking up at 9 and eating chicken drumsticks at 1 i drew tired of it.

I searched many websites and bought things pretty much for the sake of them

a book called 59 seconds about research to promote self help. (so for once a scientific view of self help) cost £4.

a yamaha mini keyboard on ebay for £12 and straight after i found so many casio keyboards for £5
which feels like such a waste.

on the one hand I like buying random things but n the other i don't like wasting money.

Despite this one day out of what i hope to be only a few i managed to organise a trip up to sheffield next thursday to see caroline just after her exams have finished and see we have band. luke will be driving which will make a nice change form mr driving.

BUt before that i have dot to dot festival and i'm quickly popping into plymouth to move the rest of my things out of my room to my grandmas. Then going to holsworthy to see gemma and her grandparents and a night in cardiff

In one week i will have travelled, over 1000 miles by car.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Today I went into london for a casting for a 4music road trip ident.
I went to the channel 4 head offices in central london.
Got a pass and sat down at a table with 3 others who were applying for the casting.
We got talking and they were all really nice people.

The guy Alex was 23 and did economics at leeds (where my brother went to uni) he had boat shoes and the exact same clubmaster sun glasses which I had in my bag. He lived in south west london

Bell was 20 and had just finished her psychology degree (I do psychology) at royal Holloway and came from brixton.

ANd the last girl was Latvian and a model she had really cool tattoos on her arms.

We all talked for 10 minutes and got on well.

Then we were called into a room with the casting director women and an intern with a camera.
They took our profiles and then we sat on 4 chairs positioned as a car and pretended to drive as she would say events such as just starting and seeing a randon person and finally driving over the hill and seeing the beach.

I think it went well and the women could tell we got on together, also it looked like not a lot of other people were auditioning as they had about 20 passes at the main desk. although the guy alex had 40 written on this sheet and come to think of it i had 43 on my card.

Its hard to tell how well you did compared to others, i guess everyone feels the same.

Walking back to waterloo me bell and alex were syaing how good it would be to get it.
It pays alot of money and is just one day of filming on thursday driving to camber sands and back.

I think i'l find out today or tomorrow fingers crossed.


Monday, 17 May 2010

blow your brains out

in the movies
if someone wants to kill themselves they do so by shooting themselves in the side of the head

in real life this does not always kill you,
as you do not need all your brain areas to still live.
a shot to the side of the head does not pass through vital brain areas.
sometimes the bullet bounces off the skull !

there have been cases where this can just take peoples eyes out and they are still alive

So i thought what is the quickest and painless way to shoot yourself.

after extensive searching through the internet.
it seems a gun in the mouth pointed up at the back of the brain will go through the pons which connect the brain and spine together.

So yeah

Friday, 7 May 2010


my third exam was brilliant
despite falling asleep at 2am due to worrying I would not fall asleep (a self-fulfilling prophecy)
the questions that came up were exactly what I revised.

Only a week and a half till my other exams are over.
then summer shall begin !

I was reading a book that i bought called 'this book will change your life'
each page sets a task for you to do each week or day.
Such as send random people Christmas presents in the post.
talk to every child you see.

This book is like the written equivalent to the film 'yes man'.

On skimming the pages I saw a fantastic task to spend more than your means and a quote by Oscar Wilde which is going to be my summer motto.

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

We should not be comfortable
we should always be trying new things
trying new experiences,
spending more than we can afford,
going somewhere we shouldn't.

A hedonistic life as Gatsby lived in Fitzgerald's timeless classic.

But before these spontaneous antics and adventure !

revision. or my case. learning the material for the first time, then revision

the picture seen is a spontaneous moment last year, on the way to Glastonbury we drove past stone hedge so we parked out side had a picture taken then performed an illegal u-turn and kept going. all in all the event last about 40 seconds. but it was the fact we did it (unfortunately due to the size of the picture rob is left out, but he was there)

Thursday, 6 May 2010


From going to university and meeting new people and starting to meet older people, as well attend prospective jobs. I realised my handshake is terrible.

It is like a malnourished child, limp and lifeless.
through my psychology revision I have discovered there is a psychology to the handshake.

One website provided this summary of the types of handshake..

There are 8 types of handshakes:

  1. Vice. Strong grasp of the other person’s hand. It’s often used unconsciously, but most of the times it has the intention to express power. People who want to Show that they’re not weak and inefficient as others may believe often use it as a form of compensation.
  2. Dead hand. The opposite of the vice, a totally relaxed hand. The ones who employ this type of handshake don’t connect to the other person. Their attitude, just like their hand, remains passive. Often met at persons with big egos, but also at people who have to shake lots of hands. It’s also influenced by the cultural background (African handshake). Still, the dead hand is often used for other reasons: women wanting to leave the impression of languishing femininity or by strong men use to underline their power (Mike Tyson had a dead hand handshake).
  3. Firm hand. Fingers get around the partner’s hand; the pressure is moderate. Studies found that it is used by extrovert persons. It is also used by women who are open to new experiences.
  4. Blood sucker. Scary name… There are people who hold their partners hand after the handshake. By holding the other one’s hand, a person can control the flow of the discussion. What is interesting about this handshake is that the “victims” rarely have the courage to free their hand.
  5. Wet hand. People with damp hands often try to hide this by wiping it off their clothes before shaking hands. It’s a sign of anxiety, but there are also people who have a genetic illness that determines this.
  6. Restrengthen. An amplified version of the handshake, in which one uses his both hands.
  7. Invasive handshake. In a symmetrical handshake, the participants hands should meet at half the distance between their bodies. The invasion refers to moving that space in one of the personal spaces of the participants.
  8. Dominant handshake. One of the participants turns their arm so that their hand ends up above the other one’s
A UCLA study finds that about 93 percent of a person’s effectiveness in communication shines through body language and handshake

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


today i just completed my 2nd exams out of 5.

IT had 2 sections one was what i was expecting and was fine.
Then other i hadd no idea, i had revised so much for social psychology
but it is just so broad it was a guess and risk at revising certain things.

My heard was pounding so hard i could feel the blood pump round my head.
I had the choice of 3 questions i knew very little on so i did a rough plan for each and found that the last question.
Are behaviours influnced majoirly by non-conscious processes ?

I could use some stored a-level knowledge on by-stander behaviour.

I wrote 4 pages for each essay in an hour.
The next is on friday
on personality and abnormal psychology. i hope i am more prepared for not getting the questions i want then.

Also after rejoining maddog i received a text about the new martin scorese film called
THe invention of hugo cabret
If i am to get an extras role in it i need to look as 1930's as possible.
This requires me to not get a tan (despite my kinda already tanned skin)
To grow my hair long (had it cut last week so not a problem)
and grow a moustache !! This is something i cannot do, my side burns grow like grass weekly.
But my upper lip is barren like the sahara desert.
Apparently shaving everyday causes hair to grow
So i may adopt this method and shave my upper lip once a day. But i am also thinking what if by june i have naturally got a tan and they turn me away. resulting in the growing of a mostauche for no reason.

It is these questions that propel the thinking and exisitance of man.

ALso my girlfirend says facial hair reminds her of her dad as he has a beard, so a mostauche would not be the best thing, but I would be shaving everyday
and if i was choosen for the extras job. I could get over £300 !
so in theory facial hair would be making me money.
