Thursday, 24 March 2011

Profile Change

Coming out of uni, i feel like i need a change.

So new name, new picture (taken by me on Dartmoor).

I can play Islands by the XX on my ukulele


I am currently writing my dissertation entitled

The influence of temporal and spatial frequencies on haemoglobin changes in the visual cortex using (NIRS)

it is killing me, I can't wait for it to be over. I officially finish university on 16th may. then the rest of my life begins. I am inter-railing over the summer so I will keep an updated journal of it on here for you to enjoy.


Wednesday, 23 March 2011

FIlm ideas

I have an idea for a fim, but i'm worried christian elder field may steal it and use it to make a film.

so here is my idea, not is is 1am on thursday 24th march 2011.

Guy who cannot sleep, physically impossible, has a lesion in brain area which means he does not need psychological or physical restoration. (or no lesion at all, all psychological) Film starts with him marking his calendar with how long he slept that day, graph can show its getting less and less everyday

Then goes to doctor about it. Like groundhog day, at first finds it great and goes to clubs and parties all night and day. Then becomes bored, with it. Tries to take sleeping pills but overdoses.

Meets a girl, but he obviously cannot fall asleep and turns TV to old film with a guy cuddling a woman in bed. Then realises he can do good in it, like a superhero at night. Then realises he stopped sleeping after he broke up with his girlfriend and now he has fallen in love again he can sleep.

· His job could be taxi driver, or i dunno

below is the conservation with christian, where he said he may steal my idea.

"Dear diary,
Today I wrote down another film idea.
- Tom"
sounds good dude!
i have a word document on my desktop
just write ideas i think of
i gotta make an 8 minute film and that idea about a guy whose trying not to sleep is a good premise
i reckon, that one could be filmed over summer
like he truely believe he can get loooooooadsa stuff done
yer man
i may steal it
but seriously i might