Its been about a month since i wrote on here.
i have been through the 2nd year blues, i term only known by the few who have experienced it
I was going to look for the definition on urban but it is not there so here is mine;
When you realise that your at univeristy to do a degree and the work being set goes towards that degree and not just a thumbs up from your tutor. As well as that the realisation that you now live in a house which is not surrounded by the 'student atmosphere' rather an old couple on one side and across the street a family of Jannors (Plymouth locals). And to bring extra colours to this rainbow your internet doesn't work and your tv signal only works when suspended somewhere between bed and ceiling
So that was that.
A week or so later i went to cardiff.
I hate trains and having my car i drove
150miles in 2 hours, i listened to brand new 'Your Favorite Weapon' and brand new's second album 'Deja Entendu' both master pieces. The transistion from punk pop to emo acoustic is gradual through each song starting with Shower Scene and Jude Law and Semester abroad in Plymouth on the A38 and ending on Play crack the sky as i crossed the seven bridge entering the rolling hills of Wales.
Living in halls again with my girlfriend was amazing, the kitchen being cleaned. Ensuite !
fast internet and being high above the ground allowing you to spy on other peoples rooms
We went out to an SU night called the lash, it was rammed vernon kay did a dj set adn like most dj's who tour played mainly commerical and an occasion shouted 'CARRRDIFFFFFF'
upon returning to the flat i hurled in the wet and dry room of the airplane toliet (serious it was so small you could shower on the toliet)
maybe it was the welsh air or the excitment of seeing my girlfriend or the fact i didn't know any of her friends so thought it a good idea to drink as much vodka as possible either way it happened.
cardiff is a really nice city, the bay where they filmed torchwood was pretty epic, modernised and pedestrianised and 2 for 1 strada pizzas topped that off.
Returning to plymouth on the sunday night i listened to lightspeed champions album 'Falling off the lavender bridge' i met dev in the toliet at earls courts give it a name we took hands mid handwashing i don't know if thats more or less hygenic either way he seemd alright.
and panic at the discos 'A fever you can't sweat out'
The next weekend made me think this is why i am came to devon, i went out on friday
queueing for the su, the fire alarm went off so as we walked to other places, a man witha tray of cups of teas pointed towards the source of this free beverage with promises of 'pancakes and toast' the promise came true

A week or so later i went to cardiff.
I hate trains and having my car i drove
150miles in 2 hours, i listened to brand new 'Your Favorite Weapon' and brand new's second album 'Deja Entendu' both master pieces. The transistion from punk pop to emo acoustic is gradual through each song starting with Shower Scene and Jude Law and Semester abroad in Plymouth on the A38 and ending on Play crack the sky as i crossed the seven bridge entering the rolling hills of Wales.
Living in halls again with my girlfriend was amazing, the kitchen being cleaned. Ensuite !
fast internet and being high above the ground allowing you to spy on other peoples rooms
We went out to an SU night called the lash, it was rammed vernon kay did a dj set adn like most dj's who tour played mainly commerical and an occasion shouted 'CARRRDIFFFFFF'
upon returning to the flat i hurled in the wet and dry room of the airplane toliet (serious it was so small you could shower on the toliet)
maybe it was the welsh air or the excitment of seeing my girlfriend or the fact i didn't know any of her friends so thought it a good idea to drink as much vodka as possible either way it happened.
cardiff is a really nice city, the bay where they filmed torchwood was pretty epic, modernised and pedestrianised and 2 for 1 strada pizzas topped that off.
Returning to plymouth on the sunday night i listened to lightspeed champions album 'Falling off the lavender bridge' i met dev in the toliet at earls courts give it a name we took hands mid handwashing i don't know if thats more or less hygenic either way he seemd alright.
and panic at the discos 'A fever you can't sweat out'
The next weekend made me think this is why i am came to devon, i went out on friday
queueing for the su, the fire alarm went off so as we walked to other places, a man witha tray of cups of teas pointed towards the source of this free beverage with promises of 'pancakes and toast' the promise came true
The pancakes weren't half bad, but due to the su shutting 3 hours early everyone came in adn they were over run with the drunkards of plymouth saying 'if i want a pancake do i have to pray or something' and my personal favorite two triangle pieces of toast forming a star and someone saying, 'did you mean to give me the star of david'
after this pitstop we went underground to the uni's djsoc night with an alright indy dj who played killing in the name of 3 times the 2nd time was sebastians remix which is immense.
Saturday i drove up to exeter and met up with my amigo danny, Him his gf, housemate and I then ventured onto the moors of dartmoor optimistic with the wind in our hair i soon realised i was out of petrol.
One town told us 6 miles more into the centre of the moors was a petrol station, rather a pump with a binbag and gaffa tape round it, that shop then told us 6 miles to the dartmoor prinso in princetown, which then told us to venture 10 miles to yelverton.
we just made it and i managed to fill up.
After the cliffhanging state of anxiety we parked up and climbed 4 tors in around 2 hours it was beautiful
i felt like a child again jumping from granite rock to boulders and gazing across the landscape/
We returned to exeter and went to the firehouse a most fnatastic 3 story pub with pitchers of sangria for £6 and then the cavern and undergorund indy night
truely the best weekend i have had yet.
THis weekend may be in competetion with this town needs guns bloc party and frank turner in 3 days and sunday lunch with my mother at the royal castle which does a buffet roast menaing the choice of any meat in my case all meats.
So the blues have gone and i now know that when i am active i am happy it is boredem that decays me and casues depression.
after this pitstop we went underground to the uni's djsoc night with an alright indy dj who played killing in the name of 3 times the 2nd time was sebastians remix which is immense.
Saturday i drove up to exeter and met up with my amigo danny, Him his gf, housemate and I then ventured onto the moors of dartmoor optimistic with the wind in our hair i soon realised i was out of petrol.
One town told us 6 miles more into the centre of the moors was a petrol station, rather a pump with a binbag and gaffa tape round it, that shop then told us 6 miles to the dartmoor prinso in princetown, which then told us to venture 10 miles to yelverton.
we just made it and i managed to fill up.
After the cliffhanging state of anxiety we parked up and climbed 4 tors in around 2 hours it was beautiful

We returned to exeter and went to the firehouse a most fnatastic 3 story pub with pitchers of sangria for £6 and then the cavern and undergorund indy night
truely the best weekend i have had yet.
THis weekend may be in competetion with this town needs guns bloc party and frank turner in 3 days and sunday lunch with my mother at the royal castle which does a buffet roast menaing the choice of any meat in my case all meats.
So the blues have gone and i now know that when i am active i am happy it is boredem that decays me and casues depression.
You gotta love the janners. and that photo of rob is amazing.