and for the first time in 6months the bridge house is some what full again.
this past year has changed the structure of my family due to death
it now consistents of my mum, two grandmas, me and my brothers, and dad and step mum
my step father unfortunalty died this year so a heart attack, the autopsy showed his artieries were 90% clogged due to smoking. this clog up caused high blood pressure as well. so there is an eye opener for any smokers
my grandfather on mums side passed away in october, of what i believe to be a heart attack in omar near dubai. heloved that placed and i guess it must of been nice to have your last memory in a place you love.
since i started uni in 2008 7 members of my family have died.
i guess at my current age, it is evitable for my elders to start passing on.
my grandparents are all reaching 80/90.
my parents are just past 50
and me and my brothers are around 20.
the 30 year generation gaps...
my dad said at the wake of his dads funeral this year that
"i know we don't always see eachother but the bridge family will always come together at births, marriages and funerals."
i have only seen the latter.
But with death comes birth !
and the birth of jesus is tomorrow, 2009 years old woah.

the christmas tree is decorated in a tradional style of simple white lights and red and gold beads and balls.
we bought a real tree once for christmas but we decided never again after the pines got stuck in everyones socks.
the past week has been filled with snow, sleet and slush.
everytime it snows it goes though the same pattern of events
the happiessness of the snow falling and excitment of what is to come.
the planning and organisation of friends to go play in the snow.
playing in the snow.
getting cold and wet.
falling over in the ice.
not being able to go anywhere after the 2nd day due to the snow melting and turning to ice.
then eventually the ice and snow melting into slush which just becomes annyoing and all the white fields and roads become a dark grey
when snow fall is unplanned the whole country falls into chaos.
i normally 10 minute drive took me 2 hours to complete, as cars especially bmw's who insist on over revving and getting no where. struggled on roads
last night i saw all my friends again at rev's.
its soo good how it has been 3 months since we last were all together and when we do see eachother it feels like nothing has changed at all.
sophies boyfriend tim has said that we can go to his for nye which would be excellent.
we are trying to persuade people to dress up in fancy dress.
my work has decreased slightly i am definately not in the mood, to write to 8 page essay one 5 page report and another exercise.
last christmas i was given a lomography holga, i did not know where to develop it but apparently jessops does so now i have started snapping away, and hope to develop after boxi ng day.
since i have been at home, i bought a double bed and have been seeing gemma alot and friends. chris marcus and i went to west feilds shopping centre and discovered a new clothes outlet, pull and bear i go tsome really good t-shirts from it.
we have also book a holiday in lazeretto at the start of easter as marcus family has a time share their.
Recently i watched a film called "moon" i reccomend it, a bit like space 2001, the twist is very enthralling mid way through the film. it was in the sundance film festival. i love quirky films from the sundance ff. i describe them as films where not alot happens
the radio show has been listened by maybe 10 people, constructive feedback has been given and is helpful my mums friend duncan who does radio 4 voice overs may make a sound intro such as "you are listening to the in-tro 33 show".
I must dash now as christmas tv is calling me.
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