i feel like i am at an equilibrum, a state of balance in my favour.
my relationship is at a progressive continuing high,
the luxury of a car, and not having lectures on a thursday and friday mean i gt to spend time with her for 5 days as opposed to 2 nights last year.
i have found my next year house mates and an option for a house.
my what thought to be insane workload is now less after knuckerling down for the past week.
i have joined the gym and am already feeling the benifical effects, plus it tires me out and helps me sleep at night.
i got my haircut at dudes in plymouth; one it only cost 9quid, two it took about 15 minutes, three she knew exactly what i wanted. sooo pleased.
the radio show is formulating and already a logo has been designed..

now we just need to record our pilot and then everything is set.
i look forward to my return home for christmas. yet i feel strange how it has taken me so long to adjust to living in a house and this second uni year. i believe the cause of my homesickness, is the 4 months of summer were i did so much and now i am comparing it to that. at least i was.
i still have 7 pictures on a disposable camera to use up. when developed it will go up on here..
listen to counterpoint by delphic my friend caroline suggested them to me and we saw them at bestival
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